Services We Offer

How we can help

  • Assistance with soil test interpretation, new tri-state fertilizer recommendations, and use of On Field Ohio online decision tool for estimating phosphorus losses. 

  • Consultation on nutrient management practices and technology, including in-field and remote sensing technologies, modern planting and fertilizer application equipment, use of drones for field scouting, mobile applications to support field operations, and data storage and retrieval programs. 

  • Providing guidance on best management practice selection and implementation including managing cover crops for success.

  • Understanding manure nutrient content and utilization as a resource while promoting soil health and reducing water quality impacts. 

  • Identifying low return on investment (ROI)  areas that may be appropriate for conversion to conservation practices. 

  • Generating cost-return data for conservation and nutrient management practices. 

  • Referral to shared community resources and funding opportunities. 

Water Quality Extension Associates work as a team with faculty, extension specialists, and educators and bring current information, applied research, and resources to the agricultural community

    A man walking through a field of cereal rye samplingrachel